At Thought Transformation Institute, our mission is to arm you with skills and experiences to positively change your subconscious programming for the better.
We begin by deciphering WHY you think WHAT you think and developing thought management skills to change all the different programs that are creating self-sabotage, anxiety, discord and distress.
You see, thought management skills are a key barometer to mental health and emotional wellness, which ultimately affects how good your physical body feels - inside and out.
All of you is one, whole being.
Through our programs, you'll discern and practice how to:
- rewire anger, anxiety, and detrimental stories you are behaving out with your friends/family
- create healthier coping mechanisms for sudden life changes and your triggers
- physiologically improve your brain function through meditation, which impacts core areas responsible for emotional regulation, focus, stress management, and concentration
- reduce negative thoughts and fear-based behaviors
- feel physically better, emotionally well, and mentally free,
and so much more. These benefits are just the tip of the iceberg.
We believe the individual's health is directly correlated to the collective health of familes and communities.
If you have habits such as fixating on negativity, fear, and 'what-if's' you rob yourself of the present moment, and react rather than respond.
Our work is to help you access your intuition to respond, and authentically problem-solve and make better decisions in the present moment.
If your behavior of lashing out, and shutting down is negatively affecting your relationships and work, then we help you build effective skills and heal from the triggers/traumas causing these types of behaviors.
You may also suffer from feeling overwhelmed constantly, which causes procrastination.
Procrastination is a coping mechanism and you'll establish healthy skills to dismantle this emotional habit.
Our goal is to see you become the person that you love with all your heart, and to fall in love with your life.
The Team
Mel H. (they/them)
Backoffice Manager
Mel runs all of Thought Transformation Institute's back office and is a key pillar in organization, and execution of programs and ideas.
She enjoys blending conscious business practices to help further TTI's mission of helping others Live Awake and Aware
Mel loves swimming, photography and spending hours in her garden.

Ziva P. (she/her)
Executive Assistant and Cirriculum Coordinator
Ziva is the ace behind the scenes making TTI work for clients and on-demand programming.
She helps craft visionary work and enjoys learning about 'what makes people tick'
She is an avid meditator, loves animals and even more so, loves remote work.

Rajni T. (she/her)
Founder and Managing Director
With the help of her team, Rajni directs all Thought Transformation Programs and oversee's development.
She Founded TTI with the mission and intention of helping others Live Awake, Aware and Able.
Read more about Rajni's here: Biography